Today we unfortunately have some bad news for you!

eng. below
Heute gibt’s leider eine schlechte Nachricht zu vermelden:
Demon Head müssen ihren Auftritt auf dem Detze absagen. Hier das Statement von der Band:

„As much as we wish to play Der Detze Rockt, we are forced to cancel the show this year. We never cancel shows unless it is beyond our control. We would like to apologise to the promoters and our loyal fans. Demon Head“

Aber keine Angst, natürlich haben wir schon für Ersatz gesorgt, den wir am kommenden Wochenende auch bekanntgeben werden.

Today we unfortunately have some bad news for you: Demon Head have to cancel their show at Der Detze Rockt. Here’s the Statement of the band:

„As much as we wish to play Der Detze Rockt, we are forced to cancel the show this year. We never cancel shows unless it is beyond our control. We would like to apologise to the promoters and our loyal fans. Demon Head“

But, don’t worry, of course we already have a replacement for you which will be announced this weekend.