Einträge von Christoph

Package #4: HÄLLAS, NIGHT and AMULET!

Hällas Since their ingenious record „Excerpts From A Future Past“, this band doesn’t need an introduction anymore. This masterpiece is living proof that the prospects of future can be found in the past, as they merge several infuences of proto-metal and hard rock to something truly unique you’ll never have heard before: An epic and […]


INCARCERATION Located in Germany but originally founded in Brasil, old school death metal beast Incarceration combine the best of both worlds: the heavy contoured riffs of swedish old school death metal and the furious and merciless aggression of bands such as Sarcófago and Sadistic Intent. This raging army of two will rough you up real […]


Those of you who are with us for some time might remember the year 2014 when Dead Lord blew everyone’s mind at Detze with their intense and magical show on Saturday. They have come a long way since then and kept on releasing well-written albums that are surely among the best sounding records of this […]

And so it begins!

We are proud to announce TYTAN, Dealer (UK), Ambush & Witchtower for Detze 2018! Two legends of the old, two heroes of today! „Justice: Served!“ is the name of the recent and powerful record of NWOBHM-Giants TYTAN, referring of course to their infamous ’85 classic „Rough Justice“. Blind men and fools, trust your ears on […]

Vielen Vielen Dank!

Das war wieder einmal ein friedliches und rundum schönes Detze 2017. Es war und eine Ehre, diese Bands bei uns zu Gast zu haben und eine Freude mit euch zu feiern. Was können wir für 2018 besser machen, auf welche Bands würdet ihr euch freuen?

Und hier die vorläufige Running Order!

Friday: 18:00-18:45 Depredation 19:05-19:45 Burning Maja 20:05-21:05 Midnight Rider 21:30-22:15 Sabbat 22:40-00:00 Tokyo Blade Saturday: 14:30-15:05 Hornado 15:25-16:05 Manic Adrift 16:25-17:10 Blackslash 17:30-18:15 Vulture 18:45-19:35 Eurynomos 20:00-21:05 Picture 21:25-22:35 Master 22:55-00:15 Metalucifer

Eurynomos am Detze!

Die Newcomer aus dem Koblenzer Raum komplettieren das Detze Line-Up. Wer sich noch an das liebliche Stimmchen des ersten Desaster Albums erinnert, wird sich besonders freuen, denn niemand anders als der mächtige Okkulto schmettert bei Eurynomos ins Mikro.